Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chinese New Years Sugar Cookies

I made Chinese New Years cookies last year, which was also my very first time making sugar cookies with royal icing. They weren't my best looking cookies. Now, a year later, I think my cookies look better. I am still improving my skill every day.

The recipe for these cookies, along with the original chinese new year themed cookies
can be found here

You can hopefully tell my piping skills have greatly improved.

I tried to keep all the cookies gold and red. Since thats all I see on red envelopes. I did use a little black and white though.

Year 2013 is the year of the snake. Chinese new year will be on February 10.
I'm very excited for it.


  1. I saw your photos on Tastespotting and wanted to say that your cookies are beautiful!

  2. These are so beautiful and cute. Your piping is excellent!

  3. Thank you so much for the complement! It means so much knowing I am getting better! =]

  4. wow they look amazing! i wish i was better at piping

  5. What icing consistency you use for the chinese lettering and what tip #. Your Chinese lettering is quite nice.
