Friday, December 14, 2012

Holly Leaf Cookies

I wanted to practice my piping skills again. I want to perfect it. I even dream about what designs I can make and new techniques. It has become quite the addiction.

I made these holly leaves cookies. They are the easiest ones to make out of the entire Christmas series I am making. Which I plan to post picture tutorials about soon. I think these holly leaves are easy enough to make without a picture tutorial, so I got them up and posted first.

Here is a SMALL preview of what I am working on:

In fact, from the above picture, you can tell the holly leaves are separate cookies, but together, they form that image you think of a holly leaf.

I used a #2 piping tip to outline and flood the cookie. After drying for 1 hour, I outlined the cookie with a #1 piping tip. After another hour, I pipe a mountain of green icing at the tip of the holly leaf, and stuck a red m&m on the leaf.

The cookies here at gingerbread. Here is the recipe I used:

800 grams of all purpose flour
250 grams of softened butter, unsalted
1 cup of dark brown sugar, packed
3 tps ground cinnamon
3 tps ground ginger
1 tps ground cloves
1 tps salt
2 large eggs
1 cup molasses

1. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer bowl until creamy.
2. Mix in spices. Combine. Then add eggs, one at a time. Then add molasses.
3. Mix flour and salt together. Add to bowl. Mix until just combined
4. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 1 hour.
5. Preheat oven to 350F.
6. Cut out shapes. Use rolling bands for same width.
7. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes.

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